Scheduling Cases & Timelines
We make it a priority to deliver quality appliances on time for your patients' appointments. To make this possible, we need:
- A 10-business-day lead time
- All of your information (scans, Rx, etc.)
Case Scheduling Details
Specialty Appliances™ has a 10-business-day turnaround time.
- Day 1: when we receive all of your items/files required to fabricate your requested appliance
- Day 10: when you can expect the case to arrive at your office
It's that simple! To ensure on-time delivery, provide the desired arrival date for your appliances and the appointment date. This allows us to guarantee that you will receive your appliance before the patient arrives for their appointment.
Case scheduling for digital cases occurs during the case submission process in our Customer Portal. See examples below to show you how to schedule your cases in the portal.
Non-Holiday Case Scheduling
Count only business days — don't include weekends.

For example, if today were October 1st, you can count today as "Day 1," and with a 10 business day turnaround time, you can expect the case to arrive no later than October 12th!
To ensure that the appliance arrives before the patient's appointment, schedule their appointment no sooner than October 13th.
Holiday Case Scheduling
When deciding when to schedule a patient's appliance delivery appointment around a holiday, it's crucial to remember that holidays aren't considered business days, and you shouldn't include them in your 10-day turnaround time calculation.

Using Thanksgiving as an example, a case submitted on November 9th will arrive no later than Monday, November 26th, rather than the 22nd or 23rd because those days are not counted in the "10 business day" turnaround calculation. Schedule the patient's delivery appointment no sooner than November 27th!
Return Shipping
Our standard delivery time is 10 business days from the day we receive your case.
We’ll consolidate your completed cases whenever possible to reduce the total return shipping charges.
All appliances are returned and tracked via UPS. Track UPS shipments by visiting the View Case Status section of the SA Portal.
Rush Cases
If you need an appliance fabricated and delivered to your office in fewer than 10 business days, a $80 expedited manufacturing and shipping fee will be applied.